What We Do
East Hampton Trails Preservation Society, Inc., is dedicated to the establishment, protection, maintenance, and enjoyment of trails, paths, and natural lands in the Town of East Hampton and throughout New York State.
EHTPS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit association.
For over 40 years, members have been actively engaged in working with local, county and state organizations for preservation of our precious trails and open space.
Activities include free year-round guided hikes on diverse trails throughout East Hampton, Montauk and beyond, narrated walks in historic areas of the town, collaborative events with like minded organizations, plus seasonal bicycle outings, and kayaking/canoeing.
Our members include hikers, runners, mountain bicyclists, paddlers, history enthusiasts and nature lovers.
Member volunteers help in trail planning, regular trails maintenance work sessions, as well as educational and social gatherings.
Activities, dates, and times are listed on this website, Facebook, Instagram, Meetup.com, 27east.com, danspapers.com, nextdoor.com and in the East Hampton Star and East Hampton Press.
East Hampton Trails Preservation Society's hundreds of member households invite you to become a member! Join with us in discovering the unique natural treasures of East Hampton, and support our mission, and our community. Come hiking with us!
Activity leaders and participants, Ehtps thanks Anna Bricker for volunteering to manage our social media. Email any pictures you may have to anna.e.bricker@gmail.com. And please follow us on Facebook and on Instagram @easthamptontrails
EHTPS invites our membership to become more involved. Are you interested in working with our Board of Directors? Becoming a hike/activity leader? EHTPS has some great things planned; come be a part of it! Please reach out to us at ehtrailspreservationsociety@gmail.com
President-Irwin Levy
Vice President Administration-Eva Moore
Vice President Trails Maintenance-Laurie DeVito
Vice President Member Services-Karen Persichilli Keogh
Vice President Scheduling-Irwin Levy
Vice President Trails Planning -Rick Whalen
Secretary-Monica Rich
Treasurer-Victoria Von Frank
General Directors - Carlin McCoy, Michael Patrick and Tom Ruhle
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